

The Dombora leaf design comes straight from French Polynesia and perfectly replicates the traditional thatch that has been used there for centuries. The edge of this palm leaf has a wider tip, which closely resembles the pandanus palm tree.


Dombora Leafs

The Dombora leaf design comes straight from French Polynesia and perfectly replicates the traditional thatch that has been used there for centuries. The edge of this palm leaf has a wider tip, which closely resembles the pandanus palm tree.

With a 50-year lifespan and a 20 year warranty, this leaf offers full and effective exterior coverage in any weather.

We are certified for wind-resistance and 100% waterproofing without any membrane required. A fire-retardant option is also available for this product.

Choose peace of mind for a maintenance-free alternative and rethatch your roof for the last time!


  • Colour: Tobacco
  • Dimensions: 100 cm x 60 cm
  • Thickness: 0,7 mm
  • Weight: 3,42 kg/m2
  • Custom code:

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